1. Contact

Contact our Press

2. Submission form

Send the submission form and the required documents to the publishing director

3. First review

3 weeks

The editorial board reviews your proposal and decides whether it suits the programme.

4. Quotation  

The Press sends an estimate of the publishing costs and the amount asked to the author.

5. Final manuscript

The manuscript is ready to be peer reviewed.

6. peer review

3 months

The manuscript undergoes double blind peer review. A report is sent to the author with the suggested/required changes. (see "our peer review policy)

7. Final manuscript

The manuscript is camera ready.

8. Contract and production

1 month

Language check, proofreading and lay-out.

9. proof check

2 weeks

The author goes carefully through the proofs and sends his/her corrections to the Press. 

10. print

3 weeks

The manuscript is ready to be printed. 

11. release and marketing

1 month

The book is out, bookstores can order it. The book is sold on and other platforms as well as at book fairs. A flyer will be sent to you to help you promote the book.  The Press will also send it to journals, and other medias.

12. Spread the word

You present your book to your peers in conferences and at other events.